Friday, September 27, 2013

Wake me up when September ends.

School is actually getting too hard and watching they talk about high school is way too hard for kids, well im a kid.

Were asked to do several hands on activities, papers, proposal, discussions, and presentations instead of sit and stare at the board routine. Such a source of sleepiness but i do miss that much.  And i almost success on trying to not heed about the date of the day before yesterday but here i am 25.

Anyway, these past few weeks i've been taught by two amazing guys.  They taught me that a true friend is someone who always be there for you when you are in need, someone who pulls you out when you fall to pitfalls of life, someone who warns you when you do something wrong.

And a true friendship won't be ruined by something trivial. Cause a true friendship would take you to a maturity and maturity would bring a friendship to be so fucking true.
These two guys also taught me, a problem in a friendship isnt something that could be solved by anger but patience and good communication instead. I've ever thought something like that, a true friendship which flows perfectly, only exist in a fairytale but all i know i was completely wrong.

All thanks are sent to all the growing grasses.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


You gonna kill yourself if you know what I've done this week. This been a really really really really really messed up week that all you need is a happy happy resting day and God gives me today.

God knows what do I really need and it turns out I only need a day where I dont have to submit my homeworks, get some new of it, making some essays, waking up too early just because you have to be at school on 5.50!

Tapi ini konsekuensi yang harus gue jalanin, bung! EADEHAHAHAHAHA.
Terus kemaren gue nyanyi-nyanyi lagu galau gajelas gitu sama Syifa, apaan banget, sih, sebenernya wkwk yang laen pada sibuk menuhin tanda tangan database DKM, gue malah santai-santai berleha-leha gara-gara tau hari ini libur. Dan gue baru ngerasain gimana rasanya dapet anugerah satu hari libur lagi setelah terakhir kali waktu jaman-jamannya kelas 9 mau UN, libur di tengah-tengah jadwal padet itu rasanya kaya dikasih libur 2 bulan haha.

Kesimpulannya, kehidupan SMA itu keras, kehidupan sekolah negeri lebih keras lagi, ditambah kurikulum 2013 = bencana.

1.  Happy birthday Dyta, Fara, Afra. Wishing we could receive what September brings.
2.  I have actually made a video for them but I have no idea for the backsound oh well
3.  I have not left house to watch any movie which you all should know they have all my happiness.
4.  I miss my old school that much, the new curriculum gimme chance to die not in peace.
5.  My playlist.
     Percaya - One Hundred Kilometers, omg kill me now.

But we still could be that happy though life now is something frigging bad to be lived.