Monday, April 28, 2014

SMANSA Day 2014

Halo halo!
Opening SMANSA Day 2014 tadi udah selesai dan keren banget. Walopun harus dateng jam 6.30, walopun harus panas panasan, kumpul sama warga smansa seribu+ orang, banyak CO2, kurang O2, tapi seru abiiiiis, halah wakakak.

Opening ceremony nya baru mulai sekitar jam 7an, padahal kita udah stand by di lapangan dari jam 7 kurang.  Upacara dipimpin sama Bima Arya, walikota Bogor.  Terus waktu Pandawa 16 muncul satu-satu jadi petugas, yang anak-anaknya kurang lebih gue kenal semua, sempet bikin histeris dan heboh barisan sekitar gua, gua sih biasa aja (padahal, mah, langsung heboh sama Fika). Pokonya upacara berlangsung kaya biasa gitu deh.

Selesai upacara, kita semua duduk di lapangan, sambil digiring-giring OSIS buat mundur ke belakang lapangan tiap menit wkwkw lebay, sih, ya.  Terus dikasih bates tali gitu deh pokonya.  Penampilan pertama tuh ada modern dance dari Tarkar, si Fika histeris gara-gara dancernya pake ballet shoes, worst distraction.  Terus muncul deh MC-nya pake kostum The Flintstones, iya yang jaman batu itu.  Penampilan kedua ada Karsa kalo gak salah, udah lupa aja urutannya, maklum tadi saking menikmati panas-panasan wkwkw pokonya dan seterusnya deh. Acaranya ditutup sama Jingle SMANSA Day yang dibawain sama Diafragma. Terus langsung disambung parade ekskul buat acara SMANSA Day 2014.  Abis semua ekskul masuk ke lapangan, anak OSIS pada bagi-bagiin balon dan dilepas bareng-bareng yeay.

Pokonya seru deh.  AAAANNNDD I got really starstruck in the middle of the event and still. Sampe acara selesai, sampe balik ke kelas, gua masih histeris gitu, udah deh gak ngerti lagi haha

P.S. None of these are mine, but taken from @SMANSADAY2014

Lagi disuruh mundur ke belakang wkwk.

OSIS + Bima Arya

Master of Ceremony


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Divergent vs The Fault In Our Stars

So, I once didn't know what Divergent book is about, but then the movie appeared.  All thanks should be sent to Dita, who succesfully forcing me to watch it because I was distracted between Captain America and Divergent (I still have not watch Captain America yet, thiz iz zo zad). I like the movie so much, but The Hunger Games Trilogy still takes the first place in my heart, oh the real nasya is now back. Maybe because Shailene Woodley, the way she represented Beatrice so well, or Theo James, the way he made me hysterical everytime he showed up in the movie (you can start counting now).

I watched the trailer of The Fault In Our Stars before watching Divergent movie.  And I realized with all the tardiness I had, that Beatrice Prior is Hazel Grace and Caleb Prior is Augustus Waters.  I was like, shit just got real, so what relation that Divergent and TFIOS have?  And remember Miles Teller as Peter? He was Sutter Keely in The Spectacular Now Movie who played as Shailene Woodley's mate there.  I'm like excited but feel so weird and awkward in another way. I have to stop this omgomgomgomg.

I also thought isn't that awkward to be Shailene Woodley? I mean in Divergent, Ansel Elgort is her brother, but in TFIOS he is her boyfriend? And Miles Teller? HAHAHAHAHA pardon my random thought.  But I respect Shailene Woodley because she got the main part in two huge book adaptions that have an adjacent release time. Have a nice day.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Potato Cheese Balls

I woke up at 5.30 am to the sound of my mom waking my sister up because she had to go to school and my mom had to go to work at 6 am, earlier.  But then I continued sleeping until 7.30 and woke up panicky because I remembered April would come at 9.

We planned to make potato cheese balls and oreo milkshake today at my place.  Things were going so well until we realized that we hadn't add some salt and pepper to the dough.  But fortunately the taste was good tho, my mom said so.  After serving the potato cheese balls onto the plate, we continued making the drink, oreo milkshake.  I forgot to buy the vanilla ice cream, so we decided to not using it.  Although I found vanilla ice cream in my freezer, but it wasn't enough to meet the portion of two glasses.  When we blended all the ingridients, the colour of the mixture turned to be chocolate instead of white. Then we found out that we grinded the oreo too much and it became chocolate powder, that's why the mixture turned to be chocolate.
After fulfill our needs (read : eating like a pig), we watched 'Febiunyu' on her youtube channel and laughed too much HAHAHAHAHA

Maybe on the next holiday we shud bake a cake, my heart, or himself.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Jadi kebetulan tante gue, di luar pekerjaan sehari-harinya di kantor, lumayan aktif sebagai relawan di salah satu komunitas mengajar.  Kalau engga sotoy, yaaaa para relawan di sini ngajar anak-anak SD.  Bukan ngajarin matematika atau bahasa indonesia, tapi ngebuka wawasan mereka tentang berbagai pekerjaan yang ada di dunia.  Supaya cita-cita anak Indonesia gak monoton seputar dokter, guru, dan polisi aja.

Gue pernah sekali diajak buat ikutan, tapi buat tim fotografernya, karena kalo mau 'ngajar' kan harus udah kerja, sedangkan gue tamat SMA aja masih lama, hmm gak deng 2 tahun lagi kira-kira.  Tapi acaranya di hari sekolah (seinget gue), jadi gue mutusin buat gak ikut.  Dan setelah diliatin dokumentasi selama acara, kayanya seru gitu hehehehehe semoga nanti kalo udah gede gue bisa bikin atau ikutan semacam gitu juga :)

Nah, kemaren ini sasarannya anak-anak SD di Pulau Tidung.  Pulangnya tante gue nunjukkin macem-macem cita-cita anak SD di sana yang mereka tulis di kertas. Ada yang nulis : "Nama saya ....., cita cita bola." omg he meant that he wants to be a soccer player not a ball.  Ada juga yang nulis : "Nama saya....., cita cita jadi dobber." Apa tuh? Ternyata maksudnya dokter :') Ada juga yang nulis nama, terus bawahnya ada tulisan "Cita-cita : pesantren." Nah, yang ini gue bingung, maksudnya dia mau jadi santri atau pemilik pesantren? Semoga bisa tercapai deh ya apapun itu. Terus di antara tulisan dokter, guru, pemain bola, dan sebagai macamnya, ada juga yang nulis.......ustad, subhanallah, semoga sukses jadi ustadnya, dek :)

Dan ternyata tante gue masih nyimpen tulisan cita-cita anak SD di Depok. Gue bandingin dari segi tulisan sama jenis cita-cita, gak heran kalo anak Depok emang lebih variatif.  Terbukti deh kalo anak Indonesia masih kurang wawasan.  Tapi semoga anak-anak ini dapet inspirasi cita-cita yang lebih baik dari gue, yang masih gatau mau jadi apa, mau ngambil jurusan apa, dan mau kaya gimana hahaha malah jadi curhat yaoke.

Left : Depok, Right : Pulau Tidung

"Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be." -Joy Page