Sunlight never fails me. Jadi pengen bikin rumah yang kaca semua gitu kan asik hehe. Gimana, Di?
Have not finished this book yet (padahal nyarinya sangat niat begitu dia rilis). Kenapa? Karena tiba-tiba mood liburan hancur oleh semester pendek that I am currentyly taking. Lol jk. Kenapa belum beres? Karena semangat bacanya hilang begitu baca the beginning part of this book. Kalau diibaratin cerita utuh, buku pertama as klimaksnya, buku kedua antiklimaks, buku ketiga ini resolusi, atau malah koda? Gak perlu ada hehe (being sarcastic is darn good).
But again, I have no such daym rights to judge a book which the last page, I've never been to.
Besides, this Sunday morning got me wait.
And I remembered that time when I made the best haiku in class. Maybe I should make my own medal.