Friday, February 14, 2014

Poem War

So, seriously, instead of appreciating friends by giving an attention while they were performing the story telling, I made some poems and laughed too much.  Unless when Astrid and Kaka gave the performance and took all the air I had. The story tellers may lie but they are just awesome.

Almost all the time I tried to focusing myself on the tissue where I put my words on it.  But then Kaka and Fiyandi passed me a paper with a poem on it.  Thinking to write a reply, so I asked Fika a help and we wrote a poem.


Lekukan wajahmu
..........sesuatu yang indah
Warnamu bak mentari semu
Menghunus pedang aroma ke dalam dadaku
Wahai tai dalam jamban
Bak jalang di jalan malang
Yang pergi tinggalkan kenangan
*)Lupa sebagian baris, akan ditindak lebih lanjut

And we both trying to make such a vivid diction like ever but instead of got a purity, Sari told us it was disgusting, I didn't refuse. Then we passed it to Kaka and Fiyandi and got a reply which is titled Teh Pucuk Harum.

Teh Pucuk Harum

350ml yang menyegarkan

 I noticed it was more disgusting.

I didn't get any point why did I make this post but maybe a conclusion would pay every minute you spend to read this HAHAHAHA-_-

excessive diction = disgusting.
And a high schooler always have a way to make it more disgusting. I'm a high schooler and I love diction<3

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